Did You Know?

Did you know that Dean Bible Ministries has thousands of individual believers as well as numerous small groups and churches from numerous countries throughout the world, regularly live streaming, viewing, listening and downloading our Bible study material?

We receive letters and emails as well as DVD orders from all four corners of the globe. Many thousands of podcast listeners have found us in the iTunes podcast store as well.

We offer at a minimum, three new Bible classes per week. which can be viewed within a few hours after the conclusion or can be live streamed. Bible classes are also offered for the visually and hearing impaired.


Latest Classes

  • 07-25-2024
    Philippians (2022)
    Philippians (2022)
    80 - Imitating Paul = Imitating Christ [B]
  • 07-23-2024
    Interlocked (2023)
    Interlocked (2023)
    19.2 - Understanding Suffering: Why Does God Allow Sin, Evil, and Personal Suffering? Suffering Because of God's Intervention
  • 07-22-2024
    KHCB Radio Prayer Time Devotionals
    The Importance of the Bible
  • 07-21-2024
    Light from the Light Channel
    Light from the Light Channel
    LIGHT from the LIGHT Episode 76
  • 07-21-2024
    Ephesians (2018)
    Ephesians (2018)
    239 - Excellence in Song [C]
  • 07-18-2024
    Philippians (2022)
    Philippians (2022)
    79 - Be Imitators [B]